What ODC Offers to Businesses

Job Shadow

A worker spends time at your business learning about a job and the work environment.

Job Tryout

An opportunity to “try out” a job position to determine if it is a good job match for the job seeker and employer.

Employment Support

Ongoing support of employees.

Benefits Experienced by the Employer

The benefit to employers is that they gain dedicated and eager employees with training and any supervisory needs provided by ODC. As a community employer partnered with ODC you will also be making a large impact on the ODC clients so that they can earn competitive wages, become part of a larger team, and have the opportunity to pursue independent employment in the community.

Additional benefits include:

  • Job seekers are pre-screened to ensure they match your business needs.
  • Motivated, loyal workers improve company morale and the bottom line.
  • Tax credits are available to qualifying businesses that hire people with abilities.
  • Receiving an “on-demand workforce” means that shifts will never run short of staff.
ODC Placed Worker Sweeping Floor

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