Occupational Development Center Partner Manufacturing Company

Stake & Lath

We proudly provide stake and lath for the engineering, survey, municipal and construction industries. Our products are produced and graded at a high quality that meets specifications required by the State of Minnesota. Click on the link below to view our full website and learn more about our various wood products and services.

Production Coating Specialties

Our state-of-the-art powder coating facility serves small to medium-sized manufacturers in the upper midwest, providing large production runs with consistent and durable coverage at competitive prices.

Powder Coating job placement from ODC

DMV Services

ODC owns and operates vehicle registration offices in Grand Rapids, Hibbing, and Virginia. Our DMV locations offer motor vehicle license and registration services, specialty plates, driver’s license and identification card services, and recreation registrations. By stopping into these offices you are supporting employment opportunities for individuals with abilities in your community.