Service Employment

Employment Services

ODC provided person centered support to people with all abilities to explore the world of integrated, competitive employment to gain understanding of different types of employment and requirements of employment of interest. Employment development, supports people who are actively seeking employment to prepare, apply, and interview, as well as throughout the hiring process. Employment supports help people maintain employment. Employment supports are individualized based on the person’s needs.

Day-Support Services

ODC provides individualized, community-based training and support services that help a person develop and maintain essential and personally enriching life skills so they can access and participate in activities they prefer in their community. Day services vary based on the skills the person wants to enhance and their personal goals.

Service Day Support
Service Pre Employment

Pre-Employment Services

ODC supports youth (ages 14-22) preparing for their future after high school. These services can include advocacy training, support with obtaining a driver’s license, preparing for college, and/or developing employment skills and understanding.

Business Support Services

ODC supports business gain understanding of employing people with disabilities, filling vacant positions, and supporting the employees that fill them. Many placements lead to long term employment that supports a diverse workplace for the employer. ODC services are free to business/employers.

Service Business Support