Occupational Development Center Day Support Services

Employment Exploration Services

Individualized services focused on helping persons served gain a better understanding of integrated, competitive, community-based employment. Exploration activities include, but are not limited to; informational interviews, employer site tours, peer mentoring, and job shadows.

Employment Development Services

Individualized services focused on developing the skills of each individual to achieve independence, productivity and community inclusion. Searching for jobs and creating the perfect resume can be time-consuming and frustrating. Our Employment Planning Services offer individuals the opportunity to make resume building, job seeking and interviewing life-long skills.

Services in this program include:

  • Work Orientation
  • Work Activity Training
  • Community Orientation
  • Personal Habit Development for Work & Personal Life
Occupational Development Center Employment Services
Occupational Development Center Employment Services

Employment Support Services

Our Supported Employment Program offers those interested in entering their community workforce the opportunity and on-site support required to work with a group or be individually placed with one of our business partners, in an integrated community setting. The amount of support is based on each person's needs and varies person to person.

Vocational Rehab Services

As a contracted provider, ODC can offer a wide range of services under VRS including, but not limited to; Internships, Job tryouts, on the job evaluations, placement services, paid work experiences, transportation training, and many more.